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Frequently Asked Questions


What inspired us to select the name "Therapeutic Art For Positive Wellness"?


The name reflects our belief that creating art can improve how you feel. The term "Therapeutic Art" suggests that the studio aims to use art as a means of healing or promoting well-being. Art has been recognized for its therapeutic benefits, aiding in emotional expression, stress reduction, and overall mental health improvement.     


Does my child need to bring anything to class?


There's no need for your child to bring anything specific to our classes. We provide all the necessary art supplies, ensuring they have everything they need to dive into their creative journey hassle-free. Just bring your child's enthusiasm and readiness to create!


How many children are in a class?


Our classes usually accommodate a group of 10 to 12 kids. This size strikes a balance, enabling individual attention while fostering a lively and collaborative environment for creative exploration.


Do I have to stay with my child during class time?


Parents don't need to stay during the class. You're welcome to drop off your child, knowing they'll be in a safe and supportive environment to explore their artistic talents.


Do you offer a trial class?


Yes, we offer a trial class, which is the first class and free of charge. It's a wonderful chance for your child to experience our art classes and see if it's a good fit for them before committing to the term. Please note that the free trial is available when you sign up for the term and is not available during school holiday workshops.


Can my child start midterm?


Yes, indeed! If we have an open spot in the class your child is interested in, they're welcome to start midterm. You'll only be charged for the remaining weeks of the term, making it convenient for your child to join our artistic journey at any time during the term.


Do you provide makeup classes when my child is absent?


Yes, we do offer makeup classes if your child misses a session. We understand that unexpected events can occur, so we provide opportunities for them to catch up on what they missed and continue their artistic exploration without falling behind.


What's the process for securing a spot and making a payment?


Feel free to reach out to us directly, and we'll gladly assist you with the booking process. Once you contact us, we'll send you an invoice via email for the upcoming term. The invoice will contain all the necessary details for payment.


Do you offer a sibling discount for families with more than one child attending the art classes?


Absolutely, the 30% sibling discount applies specifically to the second child, 50% sibling discount for the third child enrolled from the same family in our art classes.


Do you accept the Creative Kids voucher?


Yes. Please send the details of the Creative Kids voucher via email

This information will help us properly apply the voucher to your child's enrollment in our art classes.


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